by Amy Julia Becker
Overview: Becker explores the issue of privilege in this book. She talks about her upbringing in the south as a wealthy, well- educated, white woman. Later moving North, she begins to realize how much her views on race are shaped by her upbringing.
You can't help where you are born. So what do you do with privilege? She keeps exploring this issue as she becomes a parent. And especially thinks of privilege in a new way when her daughter is born with Down Syndrome. Her daughter is born NOT into privilege. From her birth, she is at a disadvantage. People makes judgement calls on her just by how she looks.
The book doesn't come to any real conclusions. Becker ends the book with a challenge to keep trying to love those around us. In getting to know and understand people who are different than us, we can begin to love them. And love conquers all.
Positive elements: well-written, nice story flow
Negative: It was a bit long. I think she could have made her point in a lot fewer chapters.
Conclusion: My main take-away from this book was to make sure I'm having my kids read books about people from all cultures. She pointed out how many of our classics and even Newberry Metal books are about white people. So, that's an easy, practical thing I can do give my kids a peek of a different way of life. She mentions a few books, but I do wish she had included a larger list. Perhaps there just aren't that many books...that's a sad reality.
I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.