by Donald Miller
Scary Close is a fascinating book about what hinders us from authentic, intimate relationships. The premise is that until we are confident in who God has made us that we won't be able to let people see us as we really are. And when we are hiding, we can't have true, deep friendships in our private lives, or at work, or in our communities.
I loved how this book is sort of like Donald Miller's diary. We watch him learn about these truths and then see how he applies them to his relationships. Miller's life until this point is a string of different girlfriends that don't last long. Now he is forty and realizing he needs to change some things if he ever wants to be married. The book ends telling about his wedding. You can even go on the book's website and see his wedding photos, which I did!
This book is very well-written, enjoyable to read, and full of practical insights.
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