Your Eternal Reward *****
by Erwin Lutzer
I haven't read any books or heard any sermons that I recall that address in such depth our eternal rewards as believers in Jesus. I know of course that I'll go to heaven, and that seems the greatest possible reward. But this book goes way beyond that to talk about what Christ expects from us, the rewards in heaven for those who are faithful, and the loss for those who aren't. He also talks about the judgement that believers will go through and the great, final judgement for all people.
We will all stand before Jesus to account for what we've done with the life He's given us. That is a sobering thought.
This book has really encouraged me to remember that the pleasures in this life are fleeting. I should be storing up treasures in heaven since that's where I'll be forever. As simplistic as that sounds, Lutzer really spells out what that process of "storing up treasures in heaven" looks like on a daily basis. He talks about investing our money here on Earth in a way that we will have an eternal return on those investments. Each day, it really all comes down to keeping our eyes on Jesus and serving those He's placed around us in humility, one person at a time, one day at a time. And realizing that here on Earth, this life of service might not look like much. But in heaven "the first are last, and the last first."
I would recommend this book to anyone. Lutzer has such a gift for words. He can make theology interesting to read and easy to understand. The book is short and not intimidating to read.
I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
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