by Jim Putman
In this book, Jim Putman says that it is God's design is for us to live life in relationship. He isn't talking about superficial friendships such as seeing people at church, having buddies at work or having neighbors to casually chat with. He's talking about spending quality time each week with other Christians to develop deep relationships, like having a spiritual family. He shows how the Bible points toward this way of life. However, in our busy lives, it is easy to downplay the importance of building quality relationships within our own families, within our church family, and within our community. He goes on to say that Christians who don't have the support of others around them just won't be able to grow up spiritually and enjoy all that God has for them. Why can't we mature spiritually alone? Usually that "I can do it myself" or "I'm just too busy" or "Relationships are hard" are just excuses and signs of sneaky sins like pride in our lives...we aren't truly surrendered to Jesus' plan for our lives. Jesus says that His plan for us is to "love God and love your neighbor."
So why do so many Christians and so many churches lack spiritual growth and vibrancy? Putman says it is because they lack totally submission to Jesus and with that they've lost deep, loving relationships. Superficial reigns.
I was excited to read this book because I attend Jim Putman's church. This book was a little long and drawn out for me, but I think it's just because I've heard Pastor Jim speak about these things many times before. The book takes time to really show biblical support for his emphasis on small groups and discipleship. I think this is a must read book for Christians in our society today. It challenged me to continue to pursue relationships with others even when it is hard. And I know that I need people to pray for me and to keep pointing me toward Jesus.
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
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