by Erin Loechner
Overview: This was such an usual book in a delightful way. Erin writes her story of seeking to balance her successful work life with a sane schedule at home. The first half of the book is called "Chasing More" and tells of her growing up, marrying a man with a "short life span" due to a tumor, moving, having her first baby, great success with her blog, her father-in-law's death, etc.
The second half of the book is called "Chasing Slow." She talks about simplifying her life, learning how to not be a hyprocrite with an "online" life and her real life, mothering, surrender, etc.
I think the essence of the book is found in this quote from the last chapter:
"I have chased more and I have chased less. I have lived large and I have lived small. I have sped up, slowed down, traded up, pared down, built myself up, fallen down. But have I looked up? Laid it down? Perhaps we were never meant to change the pace. We were meant to surrender it."
Positive: This book is beautiful to read. The paper is very smooth, the pictures colorful, the hard back and square size lovely. I also enjoyed all the sidebars such as: "Five Reactions to a Home Birth" or "Life Lessons from a Frugal Mother." Some funny, some serious, some seriously funny! I have read quite a few books from people who have become famous blogging. Usually they are better at blogging than writing books. But this book was wonderful.
Negative: Erin comes to the conclusion that the answer to a balanced life is surrender. She mentions God a few times, but she doesn't really explain what it means to surrender to God's working in your life. And if you don't really trust and believe in a God who loves you, how can you surrender your life to Him?
Conclusion: I really enjoyed this book! We live in this strange, fast, online world. I was encouraged not to get sucked into having a Pinterest life and lots of Facebook friends, but to realize my real life's treasures are the normal people all around me each day. Purse face-to-face friendships. Don't let your possessions bog you down. And ultimately, the slow or peaceful life is one surrendered to God and not lived in constant worry.
I borrowed this book for free from the library!
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